Needle Point :State of the art technology is used to hone and smooth needle point to ensure easy insertion into body tissues.

Needle Hub: Crystal clear needle hub enables monitoring fluid flow and saves time to the user.

Thin Wall Needles :

Thin wall needle has a larger lumen space. Due to maximum lumen a thinner needle can be used for an application. For this reason trauma risk to the patient is minimal. Large lumen lets fluids to flow faster.

Stylet and Needle Bevel :

Stylet and needle bevel have a perfect angular fit to prevent coring and damage to body tissues

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-Shaped and smoothed by an advanced technique, the quincke tip can easily penetrate the tissues.

– The unique harmony of the stylet and the cannula prevents tissue entry into the cannula, the tangled tip prevents damage to the tissues.

– Crystal clear needle hub allows the flow of liquids to be observed and CSF loss to be minimized.

– The thin structure of the needle wall provides a thin and comfortable flow of liquid.